Davide Bigoni
Travi ed archi di pietra, catapulte e dispositivi elastici: storia, evoluzione e nuove sfide della meccanica strutturale
L'evoluzione delle strutture prima della nascita della meccanica strutturale.
Le travi all'interno della piramide di Cheope e lo strano caso dei ponti nel Fujian.
Archi e cupole e la nascita della meccanica delle strutture.
Il problema di Eulero: nascita del calcolo delle variazioni, della instabilit‡ e della teoria nonlineare delle aste elastiche.
Come il problema di Eulero puÚ essere utilizzato nella soft robotics, nella self-encapsulation, per ideare una bilancia basata su un nuovo concetto e per il progetto di dispositivi elastici.
Professor Davide Bigoni is a mechanician working in material modeling (nonlinear elasticity, damage, elastoplasticity, visco- and thermo- plasticity, with applications to ceramic materials, granular media, composites, metals, and biomaterials), wave propagation in solids (with applications to metamaterials), fracture mechanics (with applications to porous media, and rock–like materials) and structural mechanics (with an emphasis on bifurcation and instability). His approach to research is the employment of a broad vision of mechanics, with a combination of mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and experimental validation. His research activity is addressed to Solid and Structural Mechanics; examples of his results are the perturbative approach to material instability [1,2], the folding of an elastic continuum [3,4,5], buckling in tension [6], flutter induced by friction [7], the elastica arm scale [8] and the torsional locomotion [9]. Moreover, he is also strongly motivated to see his research employed in the industry to enhance productivity or attempt innovative solutions (he has coordinated and has been involved in 3 European grants involving academia and industry in the last three years). He has been awarded an ERC advanced grant in 2013, the maximum recognition for excellence in research in Europe, awarded by the European Research Council.
From 2001 Davide Bigoni holds a full professor position at the University of Trento (Italy), where he is leading a very active group in the field of Solid ad Structural Mechanics. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 journal papers and has published a book [10]. He was elected in 2009 Euromech Fellow (of the European Mechanics Society), has received in 2012 the Ceramic Technology Transfer Day Award (of the ACIMAC and ISTEC-CNR), and in 2014 he has received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree at the Ovidius University of Constanta. He is co-editor of the Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, is associate Editor of Mechanics Research Communications and member of the editorial boards of: Archives of Mechanics, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Journal of Elasticity, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, and International Journal of Solids and Structures. He is reviewer for more than 100 international journals. He is vice chair of the panel PE8 for the European Research Council Starting Grants, panel member: for the Swiss National Science Foundation Starting Grants, for the Excellence Initiative funded by the Government of Spain, and for the Romanian National Council for Development and Innovation. He is reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, for the EPSRC Research Grants (UK), for the Irish Research Council, for the Research Council of Norway, for the Technology Foundation STW of Netherlands, and for the Israel Science Foundation.
More details can be found at http://www.ing.unitn.it/~bigoni/
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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale
di ingegneria e Architettura
Università degli Studi di Genova
Scuola Politecnica di Ingegneria e Architettura
DICCA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale
Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova
Partita IVA 00754150100