By car eastbound

To reach the PERT in Genova Via Opera Pia, 15A by car from Motorway Exit Genova Ovest:

When you arrive from the west or north along Motorway A10 or A7…

… take the motorway exit Genova Ovest.

Take the causeway (sopraelevata) and follow the signs to the Fair (Fiera)

Follow the course of the causeway to the end (about 5 km) …

… until the exit ‘Fair’ (Fiera).

… continue straight on to the third traffic light and you then turn left into Corso Torino (before the start of Corso Italia).

Then turn right on Corso Buenos Aires,

Until you reach Piazza Tommaseo

Drive through the roundabout …

… and follow the course of Via Pozzo to the end.

Take Via Albaro.

After the traffic light turn left into Viale Causa.

The avenue continues in Via Opera Pia.

When you reach the lodge near the three bars, the PERT is in the first building on left at the second floor.