Department of Environmental Engineering
University of Genoa


Marie Curie Early Stage Training Site at the University of Genova, Italy

Scientific computing using Python

Lately I started to work a lot with
Python and I found that it is a great substitute to matlab. I am really enjoying the ride with Python.  Give it try, I am sure you will love it.

I am using Python for doing data analytics, exploratory data analysis, machine learning, predictive analytics, mining the social web, web scraping and advanced plotting. It also works great for general scientific computing and scientific visualization.  I also use it for optimization, and it is relatively easy to couple it to any black-box application.

In this page I hope to share a few Python scripts and
ipython notebooks that you can use to do data science, machine learning, advanced plotting, scientific computing and post-processing of data obtained using OpenFOAM or any other general CFD solver.

If you do not have Python in your system, I recommend you to install anaconda Python distribution. This distribution comes with all libraries required to do scientific computing, advanced plotting and data analytics.

Links to the tutorials:

Post-processing of data obtained using OpenFOAM and a little bit of scientific computing using Python.
In this series of tutorials I address a little bit how to do advanced post-processing of
data obtained using OpenFOAM and how to do scientific computing with Python.

Little sandbox of ipython notebooks.
you will find a small collection of iptyhon notebooks that you may find useful.

Personal Web Page

DICCA, University of Genova
1, Via Montallegro
16145 Genova, Italy

Last update: 21/SEP/2015