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Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Tutoring (Laurea and PhD)
The Fluid Dynamics Group
Our Academic Start-up
Meteomarine Activity
Calibrated Wind Forecasts
Lightning Strike Maps (2005-2021)

Flag Counter

Andrea Mazzino

Figura 1

Andrea Mazzino

Full Professor of Physics of the Atmosphere
SSD PHYS-05/B - Physics of the Earth system, planets, space, and climate
Dept. of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Via Montallegro 1, 16145
Tel: +39 010 335 2404
E-mail: andrea.mazzino .at. unige.it

Link to ORCID/Scopus Profile:

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0170-2891

Link to Google Scholar: (link here)


8th February 2024:

🌩️ Exciting News from the Intersection of AI and Weather Forecasting 🌩️

I'm thrilled to announce our groundbreaking development in lightning occurrence prediction, now featured on the
Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage under "AI and Machine Learning."
Dive into our research freely accessible at https://lnkd.in/eYhkFU99, where we bridge traditional algorithms and AI to significantly enhance forecasting accuracy.
This work, spotlighted for its innovative approach, is proudly funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo through the project AIxtreme. Explore the highlight at https://lnkd.in/eUasQCAF

Stay tuned for more updates on how we're pushing the boundaries of weather forecasting with AI! 🌐💡

(Open: link here )

hashtag#AI hashtag#MachineLearning hashtag#WeatherForecasting hashtag#Meteorology hashtag#Innovation

1st December 2023:

The new website for the MeteOcean group is now ready: (link here)

16th May 2022:

Andrea Mazzino's Research Evaluation (VQR 2015-2019): A, A, A, A

Monitoring COVID-19 Infection - Daily Update

Data sources: Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (Italian data) and www.worldometers.info (international data)

Nota per lettori non esperti:
In tutti grafici riportati sopra, l’asse delle ordinate è in scala logaritmica mentre le ascisse sono in scala lineare. In questo modo le leggi esponenziali diventano semplici linee rette. Più esse sono ripide e più significa che l’infezione si propaga velocemente. Tecnicamente, ciò significa che il tempo di raddoppio dei casi sotto esame si riduce.

A note for non-expert readers:
In all graphs above, the ordinate axis is on logarithmic scale while the abscissas are on linear scale. In this way, exponential laws become simple straight lines. The steeper they are, the faster the infection. Technically speaking, this means that the doubling time of the cases under examination reduces.

20th January 2022:

The air-quality prediction system for the Liguria region is now operative: link here

17th September 2021:

A new paradigm in the way of measuring flow properties in turbulence (Open: link here )

25th August 2021:

What happens inside a puff of exhaled air is now clear (Editor suggestion: link here )

30th December 2020:

The scientific point of view on the social distancing issue for the COVID-19 infection

by: M.E. Rosti (Okinawa), S. Olivieri (Okinawa), M. Cavaiola (UNIGE), A. Seminara (UNICE), A. Mazzino (UNIGE) (link here)

Media coverage: Il Secolo XIX, TGR RAI (from min 7:47), TG Leonardo (from min 4:34), la Repubblica (La Scienza, by A. Diaspro)

UniGe.life (The University of Genova Magazine), Science X (A network of science, technology, and medical news),

PRIMOCANALE (Terrazza Incontra - Scienza e Imprese in Liguria) (Interview on COVID-19 and Fluid Dynamics).

4th June 2020:

Report on COVID-19 from the “Commissione per l’Ambiente e le grandi catastrofi naturali” (link here)
by: G. Seminara (Lincei), B. Carli (Lincei), G. Forni (Lincei), S. Fuzzi (ISAC-CNR), A. Mazzino (UNIGE), A. Rinaldo (Lincei)

25th February 2020:

Turbulence and spore dispersal:

3rd February 2020:

Turbulence and Big Data:

24th July 2018:

PRL Cover:

1st January 2017:

Just appeared (Jan 2017):

12th May 2016:

Popular Science event: (link here)

25th August 2015:

Keynote speaker at:

22nd November 2014:

Reasoning about Meteorology (in Italian):

(link here)

30th October 2014:

New paper in:

Open Access (click here)

1st October 2014:

New Editorial Board of Meccanica:

Link at (click here)

DICCA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale
Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova
fax +39 010 335.25.46
Partita IVA 00754150100