-------- CV English (vers. 08/07/2022) -------- CV Italiano (vers. 1/2/2020) --------
2018: National Scientific Qualification to function as full professor in the field 08/A1 Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Marine constructions for the period 04/09/2018 - 04/09/2024
2003: PhD. "Long term morphodynamic equilibrium of tidal channels" at the University of Padova. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Seminara.
1999 Laurea - Master degree in Civil Engineering with Hydraulics at the University of Genoa. Thesis: "River bifurcation stability: theoretical analysis and experimental observations". Grade: 110/110 summa cum laude. Supervisors: Prof. Marco Tubino and Prof. Giovanni Seminara.
1994: Scientific high school degree at the B. Arecco Liceum, Genoa.
Associate Professor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale, Università di Genova (2019 – present).
Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale, Università di Genova (January 2018 – November 2019).
Research Scientist, Shell Global Solutions International, Rijswijk, The Netherlans (July 2014 – December 2017).
Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale, Università di Genova (June 2005 – June 2014).
Post-doc, Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Genova (February 2003 – June 2005).
Phd student, University of Padova (January 2000 – February 2003).
Junior Engineer, Studio Tecnico di Ingegneria (S.T.I.), Genova (December 1999).
Associate Editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface (October 2017 – January 2021).
Reviewer for the following international journals: Nature Communications, Geophysical Research Letters, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Reviews of Geophysics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Water Resources Research, Sedimentology, Geomorphology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Advances in Water Resources, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Global and Planetary Change, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Physical Geography, Meccanica, Environmental Earth Sciences.
Proposal reviewer for: National Science Foundation (USA), The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, University of Padova (Italy).
2005 Dallaporta Prize (CoRiLa) for the best Phd thesis published in the years 2002 – 2004 and relative to the safeguard of Venice Lagoon.
Actively carries out research work in the fields of river morphodynamics and turbidity currents in collaboration with international research groups, conducting both theoretical and experimental research.
Author of >50 papers published on leading international journals (Scientific Reports, Journal of Geophysical Research, Water Resources Research, Geomorphology, Physics of Fluids, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms), proceedings of conferences and monographs in books.
Principal investigator or participant to numerous institutional research projects for public agencies and private companies in the field of river and coastal morphodynamics and turbidity currents.
2021. President and Co-founder of the University Spin-Off company Weather Water Sand s.r.l., an innovative start-up that provides innovative numerical modelling services for the entire spectrum of natural flows with applications to renewable energy projects, oil and gas developments and environmental projects on land and offshore.
2020, 2021. Member of the selection board of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority for the award of integrated contracts.
2008. Technical-legal consultant (Consulente Tecnico di Ufficio) for the Tribunale Superiore delle Acque Pubbliche.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the PNRR program “Po River Restoration Project” of the Po River District Basin Authority (2022 – present).
Member of the Scientic Committee of the PhD program in “Fluid dynamics and Environmental Processes in Engineering” of the University of Genova (2006 – present).
Member of the Research Committee of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genova (2018 – present).
Member of the Third Mission Committee of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genova (2019 – present).
Member of the Accreditation Committee of the Batchelor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Genova (2018 – present).
Examiner PhD dissertation of Jan de Leeuw, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University (The Netherlands), 2017.
Examiner PhD dissertations of the PhD program “Science dell'ingegneria civile e ambientale”, University of Padova, 2014.
Examiner PhD dissertation of A. Herrero, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), 2013.
Examiner PhD dissertations of the PhD program “Fluid dynamics and Environmental Processes in Engineering”, University of Genova, 2010 and 2022.
Master courses
Further teaching activities
Student supervision
Supervisor or co-supervisor of PhD students and master theses concerning river and tidal morphodynamics (2000 – present).
Visiting Researcher – Instituto de Hidraulica Ambiental, Universitad de Cantabria (Spain), 2013 (2 months)
Visiting Researcher – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina (USA), 2009 (2 months)
He is member of the following organizations
Author of several publications published in referred journals (Scientific Reports Nature Publisher Group, Commun. Earth Environ. Nature Publisher Group, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Water Resources Research, Geomorphology, Physics of Fluids, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Applied Ocean Research, Environmental Fluid Mechanics), 4 monographs in books, >50 conference proceedings, 1 international patent, several technical reports and 6 internal Shell technical reports.