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Participation in funded research projects

- 2012. Title of the project: Sviluppo di modelli e strumenti di caratterizzazione delle proprietà a meccaniche ed emodinamiche del fegato. In collaboration with ESAOTE. Funded by the Regione Liguria.

- 2008 British-Italian Partnership Programme for Young Researches. Title of the project: Vitreous mixing and stresses on the retina induced by saccadic eye rotations: theoretical and experimental modelling. In collaboration with Jennifer Siggers (Imperial College London, UK).

- 2007 Royal Society International Incoming Short Visits Scheme funding. In collaboration with Jennifer Siggers (Imperial College London, UK).

- 2006 PRIN. Morfodinamica e funzionalita' dei corsi d'acqua intrecciati (Morphodynamics and functioning of braided rivers). Funded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research). Project manager: Prof. Marco Tubino, University of Trento.

- 2005 MODITE. Funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona, Vicenza, Belluno e Ancona.

- 2004 PRIN. Sviluppo e applicazione di un modello tridimensionale SPH per la simulazione del campo vicino delle onde impulsive generate da frane (Development and application of a three-dimensional SPH model for the near field simulation of landslide generated waves). Funded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research). Project manager: Prof. Paolo De Girolamo, University of L'Aquila.

- 2003 PRIN. La risposta morfodinamica di sistemi fluviali a variazioni di parametri ambientali (Morphodynamic response of natural rivers to changes of environmental conditions). Funded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research). Project manager: Prof. Marco Tubino, University of Trento.

- 2002 RIMOF. Rischio Idraulico e Morfodinamica Fluviale (Hydraulic risk and river morphodynamics) funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona, Vicenza, Belluno e Ancona.

- 2001 FIRB. Meccanica dei Fluidi di interesse biomedico: flusso diastolico del ventricolo sinistro del cuore e sinergie metodologiche per l'analisi dell'umor vitreo nel bulbo oculare (Biomedical fluid mechanics: diastolic flux in the left ventricle and dynamics of the vitreous body). Funded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research). Project manager: Prof. Antonio Cenedese, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

- 2000 PRIN. Trasporto solido e morfodinamica delle reti a marea (Sediment transport and morphodynamics of tidal networks). Funded by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research). Project manager: Prof. Andrea Rinaldo, University of Padova.

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