- October 2023. Invited talk at the GII meeting "Nuove Frontiere della Scienza e dell’Ingegneria delle Acque", Venezia. Title of the talk: Fluidodinamica oculare.
- September 2023. Invited talk at the meeting "51st Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium – Engineering and the Eye", Cambridge (UK). Title of the talk: Fluid flow in the eye.
- September 2019. Title of the seminar: Fluid mechanics of the eye. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Phisics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge, UK.
- September 2017. Keynote lecture at the conference "ESB-ITA17, Italian Chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics", Rome. Title of the lecture: Models of fluid flow in the vitreous chamber and generation of vitreoretinal tractions.
- February 2015. Title of the seminar: Aqueous humour flow in the presence of intraocular lenses. Department of Mathematics, University of Milano.
- July 2014. Invited talk at the meeting "7th World Conference of Biomechanics", session on "Eye Biomechanics", Boston (USA). Title of the talk: "Lens placement in anterior chamber: effect on ocular health".
- September 2013. Invited talk at the meeting "13th EURETINA Congress", Hamburg (Germany). Title of the talk: Mechanics of tamponade fluids in the vitreous cavity.
- June 2013. Invited talk at the meeting "Integrated multidisciplinary approaches in the study and care of the human eye", Milano. Title of the talk: Fluid mechanics of the vitreous chamber.
- February 2012. Title of the seminar: Fluid dynamics of the vitreous cavity of the eye. University of Trento, Italy.
- May 2011. Invited talk at the meeting "9° Congresso Internazionale SOI", Simposio SOI Bio-ingegneria applicata ad oftalmologia. Roma. Title of the talk: Gli effetti della miopia e del Buckling sclerale nella distribuzione dello stress sulla retina, R. Repetto, J. Meskauskas, J.H. Siggers.
- July 2009. Title of the seminar: Fluid motion and mixing processes induced in the vitreous chamber by eye rotations. Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.
- April 2009. Title of the seminar: Moto del vitreo oculare e tensioni sulla retina a seguito delle rotazioni dell'occhio. Faculty of Engineering, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy.
- November 2008. Title of the seminar: Fluid motion induced by eye rotations in the vitreous chamber: experimental and theoretical results . Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Germany.
- June 2008. Title of the seminar: Vitreous motion and stress on the retina induced by eye rotations. Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, UK..
- May 2008. Title of the seminar: Dinamica del vitreo oculare indotta dalle rotazioni dell'occhio. Faculty of Engineering, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy.
- April 2008. Title of the seminar: Fluid motion induced by eye rotations in the vitreous cavity. Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK.
- September 2007. Invited talk at the meeting "Physiological Flow Meeting: Size, Sex and Sight", Imperial College London, UK. Title of the talk: Eye-rotation induced dynamics of the vitreous humour: experimental and theoretical approach.
- February 2007. Invited talk at the meeting "Eyes workshop", Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford, UK. Title of the talk: Dynamics of the vitreous humour induced by saccadic eye rotations.
- November 2006. Title of the seminar: Unsteadiness effects on the morphological behaviour of gravel-bed river bifurcations: one-dimensional modelling. University of Durham, UK.
- October 2006. Title of the seminar: Fluid dynamics of the vitreous body induced by saccadic eye movements. Centre for Mathematical Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK.
- November 2003. Title of the seminar: Alcuni aspetti della fluodinamica del vitreo oculare. IAC-CNR Rome, Italy.