The WavewatchIII model is operational at DICCA, University of Genoa, with a 10 km grid resolution over the whole Mediterranean basin. A nested grid of 2km resolution covers the Northern Thyrrenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea. Wind forcing is obtained by means of WRF runs with 10 km grid resolution for the whole Mediterranean basin and with 3.3 km grid resolution for the Northern Thyrrenian Sea.
The wind forcing required to drive WWIII simulations has been provided by 10-m wind fields obtained using the state-of-the-art non-hydrostatic mesoscale model WRF-ARW. A single computational domain of 328x265 points has been defined for the WRF model, covering the Western and Central Mediterranean with horizontal resolution of 10 km. Initial and boundary conditions for atmospheric simulations with the WRF model were generated from the CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis) reanalysis database. CFSR data are archived at 0.5°x0.5° horizontal resolution, on 37 pressure levels.
WaveWatchIII model, 2009 National Weather Service (NWS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
120 hours wave forecasts for the Mediterranean Basin, the Seas around Italy and the Northern Thyrrhenian Sea are published daily. Forecasts are performed on a gridsize of 10x10km for the Mediterranean Basin and on a gridsize of 2x2km for the Northern Thyrrhenian Sea.
Stream live webcams have been recollected around the Italian coast to allow the user to monitor real-time sea conditions.
We can provide customized wave forecast for different needs (commercial and leisure navigation, ships routing, weather surveillance, broadcasting of alerts).
MeteOcean group at DICCA has developed an hindcast analysis for the
period 1979-2016 for the whole Mediterranean basin with a resolution
of 0.1°. The model chain is forced with the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
(CFSR) data at 0.5° resolution. The same operational model employed
for the forecast has been employed for the hindcast
analysis. Validation of the model has been extensively performed
(see publications).
Output can be provided hourly and can be requested for single points
or zonal maps.
For furhert details please visit
the hindcast section of the site
For any inquire and information please contact