Klingmann B.G.B. & Bottaro A.,
"Goertler vortices in boundary layers with streamwise pressure
gradient: Linear theory", Phys. Fluids, Vol. 8, 1996, pp.
- Bottaro
A. &
Klingmann B.G.B.,
"On the linear breakdown
of Goertler vortices", Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, Vol. 15, no.
3, 1996, pp. 301-330
- Bottaro
A., Klingmann B.G.B. & Zebib A., "Goertler
vortices with system rotation", Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dyn.,
Vol. 8, 1996, pp.325-347
- Randriarifara
T. & Bottaro A., "Effect of
system rotation on spatially developing Dean vortices", Int. J.
Num. Methods Fluids, Vol. 23, 1996, pp.1275-1286
- Bottaro
A. &
Zebib A., "Goertler vortices promoted by wall
roughness", Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 19, 1997, pp.343-362
- Carrière P., Bottaro A. & Metzener P.,
"Wavelength selection in Rayleigh-Bénard convection
horizontal boundaries of finite conductivity", Europ. J. Mech. -
B/Fluids, Vol. 16, 1997, pp. 483-508
- Luchini P. &
Bottaro A., "Goertler vortices : A backward-in-time
approach to the receptivity problem", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 363,
1998, 1-23
- Bottaro
A. &
Luchini P., "Goertler vortices : Are they amenable
to local eigenvalue analysis ", Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, Vol.
18, 1999, 47-65
- Corbett P. &
Bottaro A., "Optimal perturbations for boundary layers
subject to stream-wise pressure gradient", Phys. Fluids, Vol.
12, 2000, pp.120-130
- Luchini P. &
Bottaro A., "Linear stability and receptivity analyses of
the Stokes layer produced by an impulsively started plate", Phys.
Fluids, Vol. 13, 2001, pp. 1668-1678
- Andersson P.,
Brandt L., Bottaro A. & Henningson D.S., "On the
breakdown of boundary layer streaks", J. Fluid Mech, Vol. 428,
2001, pp. 29-60
- Corbett P. &
Bottaro A., "Optimal linear growth in swept boundary
layers", J. Fluid Mech, Vol. 435, 2001, pp. 1-23
- Walther S.,
Airiau C. & Bottaro A., "Optimal control of
Tollmien-Schlichting waves in a developing boundary layer", Phys.
Fluids, Vol. 13, 2001, pp. 2087-2096
- Corbett P. &
Bottaro A., "Optimal control of non-modal disturbances in
boundary layers", Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dyn., Vol. 15 (2),
2001, pp. 65-81
- Airiau C.,
Walther S. & Bottaro A., "Boundary layer sensitivity and
receptivity", C. R. Mécanique, Vol. 330, 2002, pp.
- Bottaro A., Corbett P. & Luchini P.,"The
effect of
base flow variation on flow stability", J. Fluid Mech., Vol.
476, 2003, pp. 293-302
- Airiau C. &
Bottaro A., Walther S. & Legendre D., "A methodology for
optimal laminar flow control: Application to the damping of
Tollmien-Schlichting waves in a boundary layer", Phys. Fluids,
Vol. 15, 2003, pp. 1131-1145
- Galletti,
B. &
Bottaro, A., "Large scale secondary
structures in duct flow", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 512, 2004, pp.
- Zuccher S.,
Luchini P. & Bottaro A., "Algebraic growth in a Blasius
boundary layer: Optimal and robust control by mean-flow suction in the
nonlinear regime", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 513, 2004, pp. 135-160
- Biau D. &
Bottaro, A., "Transient growth and minimal defects:
Two possible initial paths of transition to turbulence in plane shear flows", Phys.
Fluids, Vol. 16, 2004, pp. 3515-3529
- Gavarini I.,
Bottaro A. & Nieuwstadt F.T.M., "The
initial stage of transition in cylindrical pipe flow:
Role of optimal base-flow distortions", J. Fluid Mech., Vol.
517, 2004, pp. 131-165 (see also the paper
by the same authors entitled "Coherent states in transitional pipe
flow", in Laminar-Turbulent
Transition and Finite Amplitude Solutions, T. Mullin and R.
Kerswell (Eds.), Springer, 2005, pp. 163-172)
- Biau, D. &
Bottaro, A., "The effect of stable thermal stratification on
shear flow stability", Phys. Fluids, Vol. 16, 2004, pp.
- Gavarini I.,
Bottaro A. & Nieuwstadt F.T.M., "Optimal
and robust control of streaks in pipe flow", J. Fluid
Mech., Vol. 537, 2005, pp. 187-219
- Zuccher S.,
Bottaro A. & Luchini P., "Algebraic growth in a
Blasius boundary layer: Nonlinear optimal disturbances", Eur.
J. Mech. B/Fluids, Vol. 25, 2006, pp. 1-17
- Grea B.-J.,
Luchini P. & Bottaro A., "Ray theory of flow instability
and the formation of caustics in boundary layers", IMFT Internal
Report, 2005
- Bottaro A.,
Soueid H. & Galletti B., "Formation of secondary
vortices in turbulent square-duct
flow", AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, no. 4, 2006, pp. 803-811 (a
version of this paper was presented
as invited paper AIAA 2005-5309 at the 4th AIAA
Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting, 6-9 June 2005, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada)
- Galletti B.,
Bottaro A., Bruneau C.-H. & Iollo A., "Accurate model
reduction of transient and forced wakes", Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids,
Vol. 26, no. 3, 2007, pp. 354-366
- Guaus
A. & Bottaro A., "Effect of wall compliance on curved
channel flow instabilities", Proc.
Royal Soc. A, Vol. 463, 2007, pp. 2201-2222
- Nouar
C., Bottaro A. & Brancher J.P., "Delaying transition to
turbulence in channel flow: revisiting the stability of shear thinning
fluids", J. Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 592, 2007, pp. 177-194
- Biau
D., Soueid H. & Bottaro A.,
"Transition to turbulence in duct flow", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 596, 2008,
- Wedin H., Biau D., Bottaro A. & Nagata
M., "Coherent flow states in a square duct",
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 20, 2008, 094105
- Dauptain A., Favier J. & Bottaro A.,
"Hydrodynamics of ciliary propulsion",
J. Fluids and Structures, Vol. 24, 2008, pp. 1156-1165
- Soueid H., Guglielmini L., Airiau C. & Bottaro A.,
"Optimization of the motion of a flapping airfoil using sensitivity functions",
Computers and Fluids, Vol. 38, 2009, pp. 861-874
- Biau D. & Bottaro A.,
"An optimal path to transition in a duct", Phil. Transact. Royal Soc., Vol. 367, 2009, pp. 529-544
- Favier J., Dauptain A., Basso D. & Bottaro A.,
"Passive separation control using a self-adaptive
hairy coating",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 627, 2009, pp. 451-483
- Guaus A., Airiau C., Bottaro A. & Kourta A.,
"Effect of wall compliance on the linear stability of Taylor-Couette flow",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 630, 2009, pp. 331-365
- Wedin H., Bottaro A. & Nagata M.,
"Three-dimensional traveling waves in a square duct",
Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 79, 2009, 065305(R)
- Nouar C. & Bottaro A.,
"Stability of the flow of a Bingham fluid in a channel: eigenvalue sensitivity,
minimal defects and scaling laws of transition",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 642, 2010, pp. 349-372
- Hoepffner J., Bottaro A. & Favier J.,
"Mechanisms of non-modal energy amplification in channel flow between compliant walls",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 642, 2010, pp. 489-507
- Bottaro A.,
"A 'receptive' boundary layer",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 646, 2010, pp. 1-4
- Cherubini S., Robinet J.-C., Bottaro A. & De Palma P.,
"Optimal wave packets in a boundary layer and initial phases of a turbulent spot",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 656, 2010, pp. 231-259
- Okino S., Nagata M., Wedin H. & Bottaro A.,
"A new nonlinear vortex state in square duct flow",
J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 657, 2010, pp. 413-429
- Cherubini S., De Palma P.,
Robinet J.-Ch. & Bottaro A., "Rapid path to transition via nonlinear localized
optimal perturbations in a boundary-layer flow", Phys. Rev. E,
Vol. 82, 2010, 066302
- Monokrousos A., Bottaro A., Brandt L., Di Vita A. & Henningson D.S.
, "Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the optimal path to turbulence in shear flows",
Phys. Rev. Letters,
Vol. 106, 2011, 134502
- Cherubini S., De Palma P., Robinet J.-Ch. & Bottaro A.
"Edge states in a boundary layer",
Phys. Fluids, Vol. 23, 2011, 051705
- Cherubini S., De Palma P., Robinet J.-Ch. & Bottaro A.
"The minimal seed of turbulent transition in the
boundary layer", J. Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 689, 2011, pp. 221-253
- Guerrero J.E., Maestro D. & Bottaro A.
"Biomimetic spiroid winglets for lift and drag
C. R. Mécanique, Vol. 340, 2012, pp. 67-80
- Cherubini S., De Palma P., Robinet J.-Ch. & Bottaro A.
"A purely non-linear route to transition approaching the edge of chaos in a
boundary layer", Fluid Dynamics Research, Vol. 44, 2012, 031404
- Bottaro A. & Ansaldi T.
"On the infusion of a therapeutic agent into a solid tumor modelled as a poroelastic
medium", ASME J. of Biomechanical Eng., Vol. 134, 2012, 084501
- Venkataraman, D. & Bottaro A.
"Numerical modeling of flow control on a symmetric aerofoil
via a porous, compliant coating", Phys. Fluids,
Vol. 24, 2012, 093601
- Bagheri S., Mazzino A. & Bottaro A.
"Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hinged flapping filament generates
lift", Phys. Rev. Letters,
Vol. 109, 2012, 154502
- Bargiacchi M., Guaus A., Favier J., Bottaro A., Cosatto E. & Mori G.
"A calibration procedure for the prediction of thermo-acoustic instabilities with a low-order
model in a gas-turbine burner", x,
unpublished 2012 (partly based on the ASME paper GT2011-45969
, "A quantitative comparison between a low order model and a 3D FEM code for the study of
thermoacoustic combustion instabilities", by G. Campa et al., in
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, Canada)
- Wedin H., Bottaro A.,Hanifi A. & Zampogna G.
"Unstable flow structures in the Blasius boundary
layer", Eur. Phys. J. E,
Vol. 37, 2014, 34
- Venkataraman D., Bottaro A. & Govindarajan R.
"A minimal model for flow control on an aerofoil using a poro-elastic
coating", J. Fluids and Structures,
Vol. 47, 2014, pp. 150-164 (see also the paper
entitled "Minimal modeling for passive flow control via a poro-elastic coating",
published in the book
Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction,
NNFMMD 133, M. Braza, A. Bottaro & M. Thompson eds., Springer, pp. 319-333, 2016)
- Luchini P. & Bottaro A.
"Adjoint equations in stability
analysis", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,
vol. 46, 2014, 493-517. The article includes Supplemental Material,
and in particular a Supplemental Appendix entitled: An Introduction to Adjoint Problems. This complimentary one-time access to this Annual Reviews article is intended for personal use. Any further/multiple distribution, publication, or commercial usage of this copyrighted material requires submission of a permission request addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center (http://www.copyright.com/).
- Pluvinage F., Kourta A. & Bottaro A.
"Instabilities in the boundary layer over a permeable, compliant
wall", Phys. Fluids,
Vol. 26, 2014, 084103 (with erratum
published in Vol. 27, 2015, 129901.)
- Bottaro A.
"Superhydrophobic surfaces for drag
reduction", Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali,
Vol. 148, 2014, 239-268. Open access article of the Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere,
available here
- Pluvinage F., Kourta A. & Bottaro A.
"Instabilities in the asymptotic suction boundary layer over a permeable, compliant
wall", Phys. Fluids,
Vol. 26, 2015, 054104.
- Pralits J.O., Bottaro A. & Cherubini S.
"Weakly nonlinear
optimal perturbations", J. Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 785, 2015, pp. 135-151.
- Wedin H., Cherubini S. & Bottaro A.
"Effect of plate permeability on nonlinear stability of the asymptotic suction boundary layer",
Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 92, 2015, 013022
- Guerrero J.E., Pacioselli C., Pralits, J.O., Negrello F., Silvestri P., Lucifredi A. & Bottaro A.
"Preliminary design of a small-sized flapping UAV: I. Aerodynamic performance and static longitudinal
stability", Meccanica, Vol. 51, 2016, pp. 1343-1367 (with erratum
- Negrello F., Silvestri P., Lucifredi A., Guerrero J.E.
& Bottaro A.
"Preliminary design of a small-sized flapping UAV: II. Kinematic and structural
aspects", Meccanica, Vol. 51, 2016, pp. 1369-1385.
- Zampogna G.A. & Bottaro A.
"Fluid flow over and through
a regular bundle of rigid fibres", J. Fluid Mech.,
Vol. 792, 2016, pp. 5-35.
- Zampogna G.A., Pluvinage F., Kourta A. & Bottaro A.
"Instability of canopy
flows", Water Resources Research,
Vol. 52 (7), 2016, pp. 5421-5432. This article has been the object of an
Editor Highlight
- Luminari N., Airiau C. & Bottaro A.
"Drag-model sensitivity of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves in canopy flows",
Physics of Fluids,
Vol. 28, no. 12, 2016, 124103.
- Pralits J.O., Alinovi E. & Bottaro A.
"Stability of the flow in a plane microchannel with one or two superhydrophobic
walls", Phys. Rev. Fluids,
Vol. 2, 2017, 013901.
- Zampogna G.A. & Bottaro A.
"The PELskin project - part III - A homogenized model of flows over and through dense
poroelastic media", Meccanica, Vol. 52, 2017, pp. 1797-1808.
- Alinovi E. & Bottaro A.
"A boundary element method for Stokes flows
with interfaces", J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 356, 2018, pp. 261-281.
- Luminari N., Airiau C. & Bottaro A.
"Effect of porosity and inertia on the apparent permeability tensor in fibrous porous media",
Int. J. Multiphase Flow,
Vol. 106, 2018, pp. 60-74. A paper highlight has featured on
Advances in Engineering
- Pauthenet M., David Y., Quintard M. & Bottaro A.
"Inertial sensitivity of porous microstructures",
Transport in Porous Media,
Vol. 125, No. 2, 2018, pp. 211-238.
- Alinovi E., Gribaudo M. & Bottaro A.
"Fractal riblets",
AIAA Journal,
Vol. 56, No. 5, 2018, pp. 2108-2112.
- Alinovi E. & Bottaro A.
"Apparent slip and drag reduction for the flow over superhydrophobic and
lubricant-impregnated surfaces", Phys. Rev. Fluids, Vol. 3, 2018, 124002.
- Zampogna G.A., Lacis U., Bagheri S. & Bottaro A.
"Modeling waves in fluids flowing over and through poroelastic
media", Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 110, 2019,pp. 148-164.
- Luminari N., Zampogna G.A., Airiau C. & Bottaro A.
"A penalization method to treat the interface between a free-fluid region and
a fibrous porous medium", J. Porous Media, Vol. 22, no. 9, 2019, pp. 1095-1107.
- Zampogna G.A., Magnaudet J. & Bottaro A.
"Generalized slip condition
over rough surfaces", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 858, 2019, pp. 407-436.
- Zampogna G.A., Naqvi S.B., Magnaudet J. & Bottaro A.
"Compliant riblets:
Problem formulation and effective macrostructural properties", J. Fluids Struct., Vol. 91, 2019, 102708.
- Bottaro A.
"Flow over natural or engineered surfaces:
an adjoint homogenization perspective", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 877, 2019, pp. P1-P91.
- Airiau, C. & Bottaro A.
"Flow of shear-thinning fluids through
porous media", Adv. Water Res., Vol. 143, 2020, 103658.
- Bottaro A. & Naqvi, S.B.
"Effective boundary conditions at a rough wall:
a high-order homogenization approach", Meccanica, Vol. 55, no. 9, 2020, pp. 1781-1800.
- Naqvi, S.B. & Bottaro, A.
"Interfacial conditions between a free-fluid region
and a porous medium", Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 141, 2021, 103585.
- Lasseux, D. & Valdés-Parada, F.J. & Bottaro, A.
"Upscaled model for unsteady slip flow in porous
media", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 923, 2021, A37.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A. & Tanda, G.
"A homogenization approach for buoyancy-induced flows
over micro-textured surfaces", J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 941, 2022, A53.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Naqvi, S.B. & Buda, L. & Bottaro, A.
"A homogenization approach for turbulent channel flows over
porous substrates: formulation and implementation of effective
boundary conditions", Fluids, Vol. 7, 2022, 178.
- Tanda, G. & Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A.
"Natural convection heat transfer from a ribbed vertical plate:
Effect of rib size, pitch, and truncation", Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., Vol. 145, 2023, 110898.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A.
"Flow through porous metamaterials formed by TPMS-based unit cells:
Effects of advection", Europ. J. Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol. 100, 2023, pp. 202-207.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A. & Tanda, G.
"Conjugate natural convection along regularly ribbed vertical surfaces:
A homogenization-based study", Num. Heat Transfer, Part A: Appl., Vol. 85 (9) 2024.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A.
"Laminar flow in a channel bounded by porous/rough walls: revisiting
Europ. J. Mechanics - B/Fluids, Vol. 103, 2024, pp. 269-283.
- Delucchi, M. & Lagazzo, A. & Guerrero Rivas J.E. & Bottaro, A. & De Luca F. & Pensa C.
"Preparation methods and tests of SLIPS against
La Metallurgia Italiana, January 2024, pp. 66-72.
- Wei, J. & Arabi, S. & Pralis J.O. & Bottaro, A. & Heckl, M.A.
"An adjoint Green's function approach for thermoacoustic instabilities in a duct with mean flow",
J. Sound Vibr., Vol. 593, 2024, 118673.
- Tanda, G. & Ahmed E.N. & Bottaro, A.
"Experimental observations of the onset of unsteadiness for buoyant airflow along smooth and rough vertical isothermal walls",
Exp. Heat Transfer, in press 2025.
- Wei, J. & Bottaro, A. & Pralits, J.O.
"Adjoint-based mean-flow uncertainty and feedback-forcing analyses of a
thermoacoustic model system",
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 272, 2025, 113901.
- Ahmed, E.N. & Bottaro, A.
"Exploring the nexus among roughness function,
apparent slip velocity and upscaling coefficients for
turbulence over porous/textured walls",
J. Fluid Mech., in press 2025.
- Bottaro, A. & Innocenti, G. & Ahmed, E.N.
"A slip-transpiration-vortex model for riblets past the viscous regime",
Meccanica, in press 2025.
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