Research group

  •    Jan Pralits, Permanent research staff member at DICCA                                              (bibliometric data from google and Orcid)                                    

  •    Alessandro Bottaro, Permanent research staff member at DICCA                                 (bibliometric data from google and Orcid)                                    

  •    Andrea Mazzino, Permanent research staff member at DICCA                                      (bibliometric data from google and Orcid)                                    

  •    Giulia Innocenti, "Numerical and experimental work on SLIPS for marine applications"                                  
  •    Jiasen Wei, "Adjoint sensitivity of thermoacoustic oscillations"                                  
  •    Stefano Olivieri, Permanent research staff member at DICCA                                       (bibliometric data from google and Orcid)                                                            


  Former members of the research group

  •    Joel Guerrero                                                                                                                              (Ph.D. in April 2009, bibliometric data from google and Orcid, currently HPC project leader at Leonardo Labs)                                    

  •    Andrea Barberis, "Development of effective hydrofoil systems"                                  
  •    Essam Nabil Ahmed , "Flows over microstructured surfaces: theory and experiments"            ( Ph.D. in May 2024, slides, now postdoc at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France )

  •    Halit Kutkan, "Modelling of turbulent pre-mixed flames"                                                 ( Ph.D. in May 2023 based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, now employed at ANSYS Germany GmbH, Munich)

  •    Sahrish Naqvi, "Homogenization theory for the flow over rigid, elastic and/or permeable micro-indentations"       ( Ph.D. in October 2021, now postdoc at the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Genova)
  •    Edoardo Alinovi, "LIS and superhydrophobic surfaces"                                                ( Ph.D. in April 2018, now at Dallara Automobili, Varano de' Melegari, Parma)
  •    Damiano Natali, "Computational approaches in poro-elasto-hydrodynamics"               (Ph.D. in March 2015; now at Haas F1 Team, Parma)
  •    Giuseppe Zampogna, "Homogenization theory for poroelastic media"                       ( Ph.D. in March 2016; now postdoc at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
  •    Dmytro Iurashev, "Non-linear thermo-acoustic models in combustors"                   ( Ph.D. in March 2017; now postdoc at the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria)
  •    Nicola Luminari, "Modelling and simulation of flows over and through fibrous porous media"             ( Ph.D. in March 2018; now employed at LR Technologies Groupe, Toulouse, France)
  •    Martin Pauthenet, "Macroscopic model and simulations of elastic canopy flows"   ( Ph.D. in September 2018; now employed at Datadvance, Toulouse, France)
  •    Matteo Bargiacchi, "Lattice Boltzmann method vs OpenFOAM to simulate aeroelastic problems"             (from April 2015 at ASG Superconductors, Genova)
  •    Damien Biau, "Stability and transition models"                                                           (now Maître de Conférences at DynFluid, Arts & Métiers, ParisTech)
  •    Andrea Di Vita, "Non-equilibrium thermodynamics"                                                 ( Ph.D. in March 2016; employed at Ansaldo Energia)

  •    Antoine Dauptain, "Computational models of flows past ciliated surfaces"          (from April 1st, 2008 at CERFACS, Toulouse, as Senior Scientist)
  •    Julien Favier , "Coherent structures in flow over compliant surfaces"                   ( Ph.D. in March 2007, carried out under joint supervision with Prof. Azeddine Kourta, now Professor at Aix Marseille Université)              
  •    Anaïs Guaus , "Modeling of combustion instabilities in turbogas systems"        (from October 1st 2010 at INRA, Montpellier)
  •    Shervin Bagheri, "Interaction of a shear flow with an elastic membrane"             (now Professor at KTH, Stockholm )
  •    Houssam Soueid, "Sensitivity and optimization of flapping foils"                           (Ph.D. in April 2008; from May 2008 at Altran Technologies, Toulouse)
  •    Filippo De Lillo , "Flow simulations with the Lattice Boltzmann technique"          (from October 2012 at the Università di Torino as Assistant Professor)
  •    Divya Venkataraman, "Computational models of dorsal coverts on birds' wings"   ( Ph.D. in March 2013, carried out under joint supervision with Prof. Rama Govindarajan, now Assistant Professor at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India)
  •    Hakan Wedin, "Exact coherent states in boundary layers"                                   
  •    Felice Sfravara, "Flow through compressor valves"                   (work carried out at Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani s.r.l.)           



    Recent theses of B.S. and M.S. students:


    Daniele Parodi, B.S. thesis on the development of a two-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes code, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2010

    Francesco Bavassano, B.S. thesis on the effect of "tubercles" on stall over a wing, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: October 2010

    Francesca Negrello, B.S. thesis on the effect of "feathers" on stall over a wing, presentation in powerpoint, movie of experiments; public defense: October 2010

    Matteo Bargiacchi, M.S. thesis on the development of a low order model for the analysis of thermoacoustic instabilities, presentation in pdf; public defense: December 2010

    Federico Attene & Paolo Bertocchi, B.S. thesis on the preliminary aerodynamic design of a flapping-wings UAV, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2011

    Dario Maestro, B.S. thesis on the numerical simulations of regular and biomimetic winglets, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2011

    Tobias Ansaldi, B.S. thesis on the modelling of the infusion of a therapeutic agent into a solid tumor, treated as a poroelastic medium, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2011

    Norman Lucà, B.S. thesis on linear and nonlinear models of transition to turbulence in a Blasius boundary layer; public defense: September 2011

    Guillaume Blondel and Thibault Gasnier, M.S. thesis on gas turbines burner aerodynamic characterization and anemometric measurements; in partnership with Polytech' Orléans and Ansaldo Energia, Genova; public defense: September 2011

    Edoardo Alinovi, B.S. thesis on a new approach for energy harvesting, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: December 2011

    Andrea Tripodi, B.S. thesis on the interaction between a fluid and an elastic filament in a channel, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: December 2011

    Roberto Zonza, M.S. thesis on large-eddy simulations of turbulent channel flows over rough patches, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2012 (based on work carried out at Queens' University, Kingston, ON, Canada, with Prof. U. Piomelli)

    Carlo Pacioselli, M.S. thesis on aerodynamic simulations geared towards the development of a flapping-wings UAV, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2012

    Federico Vecchia, B.S. thesis on improvements of the tips of the Skybird wings, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2012

    Francesco Ghelardi, B.S. thesis on the geometrical development of the tail surface of a UAV in gliding flight, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2012

    Francesca Negrello, M.S. thesis on the design of a mechanism to realize flapping flight, presentation in powerpoint (movie of the flying Skybird in the Virtual.Lab environment); public defense: October 2012

    Giuseppe Zampogna, M.S. thesis on non-linear solutions in a parallel boundary layer, presentation in pdf; public defense: October 2012

    Filippo Baccino, M.S. thesis on the onset of limit cycles in Ansaldo's gas turbine burners, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2013 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Dr. Ezio Cosatto and Dr. Andrea Di Vita)

    Tobias Ansaldi, M.S. thesis on the formation of drop out of liquid columns, presentation in ppt; public defense: March 2013 (based on work carried out at EPFL, Lausanne, CH, with Prof. F. Gallaire)

    Giacomo Gallino, M.S. thesis on the stability of interfacial flows in microchannels, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2013 ((based on work carried out at EPFL, Lausanne, CH, with Prof. F. Gallaire)

    Luca Mineo, B.S. thesis on the onset of galloping for prismatic bodies placed in a wind tunnel, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2013

    Matteo Volpato, M.S. thesis on a PIV measuring system applied to a scaled model of an industrial gas turbine diffuser, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2013 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Dr. Sergio Rizzo and Eng. Cinzia Cirigliano)

    Zaccaria Orlando, M.S. thesis on hydroelastic steady streaming, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2013 (based on work carried out at KTH, Stockholm, S, with Prof. Shervin Bagheri)

    Daniele Colletti, B.S. thesis on an asymptotic model to describe the flow of a capillary film down an incline, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: October 2013

    Giorgio Rocca, M.S. thesis on the nonlinear adjoint-based optimization of capillary thinning and break-up of liquid jets, presentation in pdf; public defense: October 2013 (based on work carried out at EPFL, Lausanne, CH, with Prof. F. Gallaire)

    Alberto Spirito, M.S. thesis on the numerical prediction of the pressure in the vicinity of an intro-cochlear receiver, presentation in pdf; public defense: October 2013 (based on work carried out at ETHZ, Zurich, CH, with Dr. D. Obrist)

    Marina Bruzzone, M.S. thesis on the prediction of transition to turbulence over small aircraft wings, presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2013 (based on work carried out during an internship at Daher-Socata, Tarbes, F, with Eng. C. Favre)

    Stefano Olivieri, M.S. thesis on the study of the forces on solid particles in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, presentation in pdf; public defense: December 2013 (based on work carried out at KTH, Stockholm, S, with Prof. L. Brandt, Dr. Sardina and Dr. Picano)

    Andrea Vacca, B.S. thesis on an improved anti-ice system for the main wing of the P180, presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2013 (based on work carried out at Piaggio Aero, Genova, with Eng. A. Siviero and Eng. F. Pace)

    Marcello Benvenuto, M.S. thesis on the development of an automatic shape optimization platform for a laminar wing, presentation in ppt; public defense: March 2014 (based on work carried out at Daher Socata, Tarbes, F, with Eng. Thomas Michon)

    Paolo Bertocchi, M.S. thesis on the aerodinamic analysis of flexible membrane via Lattice Boltzmann methods, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2014

    Alessio Altovino, B.S. thesis on the interaction of a fluid with an elastic filament anchored on an oscillating wall, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2014

    Andrea Tripodi, M.S. thesis on the stability analysis of liquid bridges, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2014 (based on work carried out at UPMC, Paris, F, with Dr. Jérôme Hoepffner)

    Edoardo Alinovi, M.S. thesis on the control of bluff body wakes using flexible filaments, presentation in pdf (movie1, movie2); public defense: July 2014 (based on work carried out at City University, London, UK, with Prof. Alfredo Pinelli and Dr. Mohammad Omidyeganeh)

    Luca Marrè Brunenghi, B.S. thesis on a flapping wing harvesting mechanism (FLEHAP), presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2014 (based on work carried out at the Physics Department of the University of Genova, with Prof. Corrado Boragno)

    Andrea Concas, B.S. thesis on the setting of optimal parameters for the generation of grids with OpenFOAM, presentation in pdf; public defense: December 2014 (based on work carried out at Wolf Dynamics srl with Eng. Matteo Bargiacchi)

    Alberto Rossi, B.S. thesis on the use of OpenFOAM to model an energy harvesting device, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2015 (based on work carried out with Eng. Stefano Olivieri)

    Diego Zangrillo, M.S. thesis on aeroacoustic intermittency in pipes, presentation in pptx; public defense: July 2015 (based on work carried out at IIT Madras, India, with Prof. R.I. Sujith, with support from the TANGO Marie Curie Initial Training Network)

    Luca Cò, B.S. thesis on drag reduction via superhydrophobic coatings, presentation in pptx; public defense: July 2015 (based on work carried out at the Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Orléans with Dr. Nicolas Mazellier)

    Francesco Marciano, B.S. thesis on rheological measurements of naval coatings, presentation in pptx; public defense: July 2015 (based on work carried out with Dr. Alberto Lagazzo and Prof. Marco Capurro)

    Andrea Busseti & Marco Levrero, B.S. thesis on a LIF technique to study the air-fuel mixing at the inflow of a gas turbine burner, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2015 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Dr. Sergio Rizzo, Dr. Enrico Gottardo and Eng. Cinzia Cirigliano)

    Emanuele Sansebastiano, B.S. thesis on experiments and numerical modeling of the air obstruction by lamps in operating rooms, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: October 2015 (based on work carried out at Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Orléans with Dr. Nicolas Mazellier)

    Roberto Cademartori, M.S. thesis on the modeling and simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities in gas turbines, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: October 2015 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Dr. Giovanni Campa)

    Edoardo Sotteri & Filippo Delucchi, B.S. thesis on the calibration of an electromagnetic brake, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: February/March 2016 (based on work carried out with Dr. Andrea Freda)

    Gaetano Macrì, M.S. thesis on a three-scale model for the flow over and through anisotropic porous media, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2016 (based on work carried out with Dr. Giuseppe Zampogna)

    Luca Travaglini, B.S. thesis on the FLEHAP energy harvester device, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2016 (based on work carried out at the Physics Department with Prof. Corrado Boragno and Dr. Gregorio Boccalero)

    Marco Tonarelli, M.S. thesis on the POD analysis of PIV data for flow past a wing, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2016 (based on work carried out at IMFT, Toulouse, with Dr. Marianna Braza and Dr. Johannes Sheller)

    Clepin Adelphe Yousseu Njiotang, M.S. thesis on experiments with superhydrophobic surfaces, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2016 (based on work carried out at Polytech'Orléans with Dr. Nicolas Mazellier)

    Alessandro Dapelo, M.S. thesis on the numerical simulations of impinging jets, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March 2016 (based on work carried out at IMP PAN, Gdansk, with Dr. Pawel Flaszyński)

    Jacopo Callà & Alessandro Bacigalupo, M.S. thesis on the design, construction and testing of a flapping wing UAV, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: March/June 2016 (thesis supervised jointly with Prof. Paolo Silvestri). A video of the (constrained) flight of the UAV model built by the students can be seen here; a longer (2 min) video with the development of the model is here.

    Matteo Menta & Kyoto Tinoco, B.S. thesis on the experimental comparison among different commercial paints used in the naval industry as far as skin friction drag reduction is concerned, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: July 2016 (thesis supervised jointly with Prof. Marco Capurro and Dr. Alberto Lagazzo)

    Filippo Ferrando & Davide Tonelli, B.S. thesis on the modeling and efficiency analysis of a energy harvesting device with electromagnetic coupling, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: July 2016 (thesis co-supervised with Dr. Stefano Olivieri)

    Stefano Piccini, B.S. thesis on the experimental analysis and aerodynamic modeling of the FLEHAP energy harvesting device, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2016 (thesis co-supervised with Prof. Corrado Boragno and Dr. Stefano Olivieri)

    Giovanni Trovato, B.S. thesis on the boundary element modeling of fractal riblets for drag reduction, presentation in powerpoint; public defense: September 2016 (thesis co-supervised with Dr. Edoardo Alinovi)

    Stefano Macrì & Andrea Canevello, M.S. thesis on the use of ozone for gasoline compression ignition engines, presentation in pdf; public defense: October 2016 (based on work carried out at Polytech'Orléans with Prof. Fabrice Foucher)

    Alberto Giannoni, M.S. thesis on the simulation of oscillating inpinging air jets, presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2016 (based on work carried out at IMP-PAN, Gdansk, with Prof. Pawel Flaszynski)

    Alessandro Chiappalone, M.S. thesis on the simulation of an innovative wind turbine, presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2016 (based on work carried out at IMP-PAN, Gdansk, with Prof. Piotr Doerffer)

    Francesco Cattaneo & Elisa Lascialfari B.S. thesis on the use of homogenization theory to treat rough walls in lubrication problems, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2017 (thesis co-supervised with Dr. Edoardo Alinovi)

    Saverio Buccini & Francesco Peccianti, M.S. thesis on a new numerical model to simulate the icing of a droplet on a cold surface, presentation in pdf; public defense: March 2017 (based on work carried out at IMFT, Toulouse, with Prof. Dominique Legendre)

    Federico Pastore & Luca Bella, B.S. thesis on the wind tunnel testing of a multi-hole velocity probe, presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2017 (based on work carried out with Dr. Andrea Freda)

    Pietro Benincasa, B.S. thesis on the fabrication and experimental testing of LIS surfaces for naval applications, presentation in ppt; public defense: October 2017 (based on work carried out with Dr. Alberto Lagazzo)

    Mattia Gribaudo, M.S. thesis on fractal riblets, presentation in pdf; public defense: October 2017 (based on work carried out with Dr. Edoardo Alinovi)

    Luca Ottonello, M.S. thesis (abstract) on the simulations of tip clearance in axial flow compressors, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2018 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia with Eng. Savino Depalo)

    Andrea Busseti, M.S. thesis on the propagation of compositional waves, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2018 (based on work carried out at the University of Cambridge, Dept. of Engineering, with Prof. Simone Hochgreb)

    Marco Sanguineti & Kevin Wittkowski, B.S. thesis on variable geometry winglets, presentation in ppt; public defense: July 2018 (based on work carried out with Dr. Joel Guerrero)

    Raffaello Daniele, B.S. thesis on the interactive visualization of big data and real-time data, presentation in pptx; public defense: July 2018 (based on work carried out with Dr. Joel Guerrero)

    Tullio Traverso, M.S. thesis on data assimilation in thermoacoustics, presentation in pptx; public defense: October 2018 (based on work carried out at the University of Cambridge, Dept. of Engineering, with Dr. Luca Magri)

    Andrea Pedullà, B.S. thesis on the use of flow conveyors to optimise the performance of a wind turbine, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2019 (based on work carried out with Dr. Andrea Freda)

    Valerio Lanata, M.S. thesis on the characterization of secondary air systems in gas turbines, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2019 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia with Eng. Alessio D'Alessandro)

    Stefano Piccini, M.S. thesis on the development of a weight and balances software tool for the concept/preliminary design of conventional and unconventional aircraft, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2019 (based on work carried out at CFS Engineering, Lausanne, CH, with Dr. Jan B. Vos and Eng. Aidan Jungo)

    Andrea Borasio & Marco Del Popolo, B.S. thesis on the simulation of aerodynamic flows with shock waves and the decomposition of the aerodynamic resistance, presentation in pptx; public defense: March/July 2019 (thesis co-supervised with Dr. Joel Guerrero)

    Edison Kunxhiu, B.S. thesis on the production and testing of LIS surfaces, presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2019 (thesis co-supervised with Dr. Alberto Lagazzo)

    Andrea Barberis, B.S. thesis on the numerical simulations of the flow around an underwater neutrino detector, presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2019 (thesis co-supervised with Prof. G. Tanda, Dr. M. Anghinolfi and Dr. J. Guerrero)

    Alessio Carpi, B.S. thesis on the use of homogenization to study the flow through porous media, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2020

    Riccardo Fogola & Matteo Bianchi, B.S. thesis on aeroelastic effects for the flow past bluff bodies, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2020 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. A. Freda)

    Alessandro Lamberti, B.S. thesis on lift and drag coefficients over bluff bodies and airfoils, presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2020 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. A. Freda)

    Gianmarco Calabrese, B.S. thesis on the multiscale modelling of microstructured walls; public defense: July 2020

    Andrea Carlucci & Matteo Russo, B.S. thesis on the numerical model of the circulation of liquid Argon in the VETO detector of DarkSide-20k; presentation in pptx; public defense: October 2020 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. J. Guerrero (DICCA), and Drs. A. Caminata & G. Testera (INFN))

    Giulia Innocenti, B.S. thesis on modelling and experiments of flow over superhydrophobic surfaces; presentation in pptx; public defense: October 2020 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. A. Lagazzo)

    Marco Figus, M.S. thesis on the design and construction of a prototype of a rotating/flappingr-wing UAV; public defense: December 2020

    Steve Tchoua Djuimo, B.S. thesis on the flow over three-dimensional rough walls; public defense: February 2021 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. S.B. Naqvi)

    Kevin Wittkowski, M.S. thesis on the optimization of an aeroelastic system for energy harvesting; public defense: March 2021 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. Luca Magri, Cambridge University)

    Francesco Acquarone, B.S. thesis on the effective boundary conditions over a 3D rough surface via asymptotic homogenization; presentation in pptx;ublic defense: June 2021 (thesis co-supervised by Dr. S.B. Naqvi)

    Rubens Dellepiane & Francesco Marcucci, B.S. thesis on the Schlieren flow visualization technique; public defense: July 2021 (thesis co-supervised by Prof. C. Boragno)

    Lorenzo Buda, M.S. thesis (Physics) on the flow over permeable substrates; presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2021

    Michele Cirio, B.S. thesis on bouncing drops on LIS and SHS surfaces; presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2021 (main supervisor: Prof. A. Lagazzo)

    Matteo Canepa, B.S. thesis on VOF simulations of a naval vessel; public defense: October 2021

    Andrea Barberis, M.S. thesis on an innovative water taxi (Gerris Boat) in displacement mode; presentation in pptx; public defense: October 2021 (main supervisor: Prof. J. Guerrero)

    Alberto Tanghetti, M.S. thesis on air cooling strategies for the last stage blade of a heavy duty gas turbine; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2022 (thesis conducted at Ansaldo Energia Switzerland, Baden, under the joint supervision of Dr. Cyrille Bricaud and Dr. Oliver Schulz)

    Stefano Brianzoli, B.S. thesis on the hydrodynamics of an immersed body; presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2022 (thesis co-supervised by Andrea Barberis)

    Lorenzo Carrattieri & Giulia Innocenti, M.S. thesis on the linear and nonlinear modeling of thermoacoustic instabilities and their passive control; presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2022

    Giacomo Benedetti, M.S. thesis on the actuator disk model for the simulation of propellers; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023 (based on work carried out at CFS Engineering, Lausanne, CH, with Dr. Jan B. Vos and Eng. Aidan Jungo)

    Edoardo Carlo Giordano, M.S. thesis on phoretic flows through microstructured surfaces; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023 (based on work carried out at EPFL, Lausanne, CH, with Dr. Giuseppe Zampogna)

    Simone Piccaluga, M.S. thesis on aerodynamic analysis on the Trefftz plane; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023

    Alberto Ponte, M.S. thesis on mass transport across thin membranes; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023 (based on work carried out at EPFL, Lausanne, CH, with Dr. Giuseppe Zampogna)

    Matteo Riva, M.S. thesis on the application of neural networks to axial compressors; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Eng. Enrico Puppo)

    Simone Tubino, M.S. thesis on the secondary air system of heavy duty gas turbines; presentation in pptx; public defense: March 2023 (based on work carried out at Ansaldo Energia, Genova, with Eng. Francesco Bavassano)

    Giacomo Cafarchia, B.S. thesis on superhydrophobic and lubricant-impregnated surfaces produced via electrospinning; presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2023 (main supervisor: Prof. A. Lagazzo)

    Rachele Valcada, B.S. thesis on the asymptotic modelling of acoustic waves through porous media; presentation in pptx; public defense: September 2023 (based on work carried out with Dr. Jiasen Wei)

    Alessio Carpi, M.S. thesis on the Taylor-Couette instability; presentation in pptx; public defense: April 2024 (based on work carried out with Dr. Giulia Innocenti)

    Piero Cozzi, M.S. thesis on adjoint-based optimization of surface waviness over swept airfoils; presentation in pptx; public defense: April 2024 (based on work carried out with Prof. Ardeshir Hanifi at KTH, Stockholm)

    Diego Fancello, M.S. thesis on the monitoring of gas turbine performances; presentation in pptx; public defense: April 2024 (based on work carried out with Dr. Cyrille Bricaud at Ansaldo Energia Switzerland)

    Sofia Pavese, M.S. thesis on the experimental study of the flow of superhydrophobic body falling in a liquid; presentation in pptx; public defense: April 2024 (based on work carried out with Prof. Nicolas Mazellier at the University of Orleans, France)

    Rubens Dellepiane, M.S. thesis on the LES simulation of the emission of broadband noise at the trailing edge of a blade; presentation in pptx; public defense: April 2024 (based on work carried out with Prof. Ardeshir Hanifi at KTH, Stockholm)

    Remo Fadda, B.S. thesis on the effects of lubricant depletion on LIS; presentation in pptx; public defense: July 2024 (based on work carried out jointy with Dr. Essam Nabil Ahmed)

    Sara Boaretto, B.S. thesis on longitudinal and sinusoidal riblets; presentation in pptx; public defense: December 2024 (based on work carried out jointy with Dr. Giulia Innocenti)

      Interested in a research project (Laurea, M.S., Ph.D. or postdoc) ? Send an email to


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